Friday, June 18, 2010

Day 1

Starting weight: 237 lb

Well they say the first day is always the hardest. Or is it the second day? Or first week? I'm not sure, however I do know that tomorrow morning I'll be sore. P90x was intense, a whole hour dedicated to push-ups and pull-ups. Not my strong points I've found out. Then a nice relaxing ab crunching routine. Nothing with the word "crunching" is ever as fun as you think. That combined with a night of Brazilian jiu-jitsu means that tomorrow morning I'm pretty sure there will be a lot of moaning. It is kind of daunting knowing you have 90 days of pushing yourself to achieve a goal, but each day is a step closer. Maybe the first step is the hardest to take, but I'm sure it wont be the hardest to complete. Diet went well, as most diets do on the first day. ALTHOUGH I will say between my friend eating buffalo wings and french fries, my father bringing home Publix fried chicken and potato salad (Yummy!), my sister sending us a delicious apple pie, and Stephanie eating ribs for dinner, keeping my diet wasn't easy. Why does it always seem like whenever you go on a diet, everyone wants to buy you dinner or offer you delicious food? Cruel Irony. I think a trick I'll try to use while the challenge is taking place, is to say "Eww" to food that is bad for me. Childish I know, but hey what works, works. All that aside, I'm glad the first day is over. When I can figure out how to put pictures on my computer you'll get to see some sexy pictures of me with my shirt off, So be on the look out! Other than that I'm pretty exhausted, proud I did Day 1, and looking forward to the rest of the 89 days and what they have to bring. Stay Classy, God Bless.


  1. Good job Bo, I myself have lost 14 pounds in two weeks, but that's just because I am running everyday and eating alot better. but good job, this is kenneth baxla btw, from your senior year lunches, that's really the only time we hung out lol

  2. Good job Bo. Stick with it. I may came get some pointers after the baby...

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. Sorry, Bo. I'll try to be a little more supportive with the food lol Love you :D
